Terms of Service

Conditions Of Sale

This section contains the general terms and conditions of sale in accordance with the law. These conditions are to be considered valid until they are modified or supplemented by Clemi's Market Srl. The updated version of the general conditions is the one published on the site, any changes will become effective as of the date of publication on the site. Browsing within the site and/or purchasing products implies acceptance of the following terms and conditions.

Definition and object of the contract

The contract concluded between Clemi's Market Srl and the customer falls within the category of distance contracts referred to in Articles 51 et seq. of Legislative Decree no. 206/2005 (Consumer Code), as amended by Legislative Decree no. 21/2014, implementing Directive 2011/83/EU.

A distance contract is defined as any contract concluded between the professional Clementina Makula as a legal person acting on behalf of its commercial activity and/or the consumer (user and user of the service) under an organized scheme of distance sales or provision of services without the simultaneous physical presence of the professional and the consumer; and this through the exclusive use of one or more means of distance communication (e.g. using telephone, fax, internet etc.) until the conclusion of the contract, including the conclusion of the contract itself.

The contract, which has as its object the sale of organic, food and non-food products, as well as the sale of products for non-food use, is understood to be concluded with the acceptance, even partial, by Clemi's Market Srl of a purchase proposal issued by the customer, via the Internet, in the website; this acceptance is considered tacit, unless specific communications are made to the customer/user.

By placing a purchase order, which must be complete in every part and contain the essential elements for the exact identification of the product ordered, the Customer declares:

  • to be a consumer in accordance with the provisions of Article 3, paragraph 1, letter a) of the Consumer Code;
  • that he/she is of legal age;
  • that the data provided for the execution of the contract are correct and true;

that I have read and fully accepted these terms and general conditions of contract indicated on the website

These general terms and conditions form an integral part of any proposal, purchase order and purchase order confirmation of products marketed by Clemi's Market Srl in force on the date the order is placed.


All prices of the Products published on the website no expressed in Euro and include VAT. They do not include any taxes, duties and duties applicable in the country of destination of the Products, where this is different from Italy, which will be borne by the Customer.

Clemi's Market Srl reserves the right to change the price of the Products, at any time, without prior notice, it being understood that the price charged to the user will be the one indicated on the Site at the time the order is placed and that any variations (upward or downward) following the transmission of the order will not be taken into account.

By selecting the specific feature on the Site, it is also possible to make a so-called "Periodic Purchase, choosing the periodicity with which to receive the same product, enjoying, therefore, a scotistica reserved for that purpose.

In the event that a Product is offered on the Site at a discounted price, the Product tab will indicate the full reference price against which the discount is calculated and what that full reference price corresponds to.

Warranties and Returns

Purchases made on are governed by Italian law on mail order and distance sales. If you have made a mistake in your order and received an item you did not want, or are otherwise dissatisfied with your purchase, you have 14 working days from the date of delivery to exercise your right of withdrawal, that is, the ability to return the product and be reimbursed for the expense (if any shipping costs have been paid, the same will not be refunded).

You can exercise the right of withdrawal in several ways:

By registered letter with return receipt sent to the following address Via Fabio Filzi 10, 20124 Milan (MI) Italy.

If you are in possession of a certified electronic mail (PEC) account, by writing to
clemismarket@flexipec.itCome provided for by current regulations, emails sent from a PEC account have the value of registered

With an email to the email address: provided that the notice of withdrawal is confirmed by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt within the following 48 hours and for this purpose the date and time indicated on the postmark will be considered valid.

Clemi's Market Srl will arrange the pickup of the goods by express courier at the agreed address and the pickup costs will be borne by the User. Carefully pack the return package (in the presence of fragile items, it is advisable to include newspaper or other protective material) and include inside it a copy of the delivery note (or invoice, when required) and instructions for replacement and/or refund.
You may use the same box in which you received the goods or any box that fits the size of the product(s) to be returned.
Seal the box so that the courier receives a package suitable for transport.
The maximum time limit for a refund from Clemi's Market Srl is 14 working days from the day of receipt of the products at the warehouse (art.54 Consumer Code).

Food Products: the right of withdrawal is not provided, as indicated by law, for food or household/personal hygiene products delivered with a regular expiration date since the characteristics and qualities of these types of products are subject to alteration also as a consequence of inappropriate storage.

Damaged Products

If you should receive damaged merchandise notify us within 5 business days at citing "damaged items" in the subject line of the e-mail and attaching photographic evidence of the damage to the merchandise. Damaged merchandise will be picked up by the courier who will replace it once it has been picked up.

Declination of Liability

Any information or news provided on this site, in particular any information or news related to health conditions, medical and / or preventive care, medications, diseases or disorders is presented purely as an indication and general and with the sole informational purpose to guide the user to a correct and informed choice.

The use of the products and the taking of them is therefore the sole responsibility of the customer.

This site does not provide medical advice and is in no way a substitute for the advice of your treating physician.

If you have a medical condition, you should consult your treating physician before purchasing and/or using and/or taking products purchased from the site. To this end, it is the customer's responsibility to carefully check the label of the products purchased for the possible presence of allergens and to verify their compatibility with one's health conditions.


Any complaints must be made in writing, by registered mail with return receipt to the following address.

GREEN-LOG in Via Calabria 1, 10036 Settimo Torinese, Italy

If the Customer is a consumer, any civil and/or criminal dispute relating to the application, execution, interpretation and breach of the distance sales contract will be under the territorial jurisdiction of the reference court where the Customer has his residence or domicile, if located in the territory of the Italian State. In all other cases, the territorial jurisdiction shall be exclusively that of the Court of Milan

Rev.01 of 6/01/2022
