Here are some super chocolate brownies that the talented @the_frosting_shot made with our irresistible Femme Fatale cream.

- 200g Femme fatale (hazelnut chocolate spread)
- 100 g coconut oil
- 3 eggs
- 100 g coconut sugar
- 80g almond flour
Step 1. Preheat the oven to 180C.
Step 2 . Let's start by melting the coconut oil and the Femme Fatale spreadable cream in a bain-marie until we get a homogeneous cream. Set aside.
Step 3 . In a bowl, beat the eggs together with the sugar with electric whisks until you get a frothy mixture. In the meantime slowly add the chocolate cream previously melted with coconut oil
Step 4 . Then add the sifted flour and mix with a spatula making movements from the bottom up
Step 5 . Pour the dough into a pan lined with baking paper, ready to be put in the oven (static mode) at 180 C for 20-25 minutes
Step 6. Let it cool for a few minutes, and voilà!!!