Breakfast with brioche, or croissant, and cappuccino has consolidated itself as the traditional Italian breakfast par excellence. It is considered by all Italians to be the best breakfast, but on a nutritional level, is it really that good? We will try to compare the typical Italian breakfast and breakfast with cereals, in particular granola, to understand what difference there is in terms of nutrition and benefits.

First of all, it is important to reiterate that having breakfast in the morning is essential for starting the day with the right energy and the right amount of nutrients, eating in the morning brings many benefits.


Croissants with cup of coffee and mocha

Brioche and cappuccino is considered the ideal breakfast in Italy, consumed in company or in a hurry at the bar before a working day or a trip. Breakfast at the bar is now a tradition, and it is certainly a very important moment for most Italians, but on a nutritional level, is it really such a positive breakfast?

In a balanced diet , habitually consuming foods and sweets rich in unhealthy fats and carbohydrates is not a good choice. The brioche, or croissant, is rich in saturated fatty acids and simple sugars.

Containing many simple sugars, it brings a glycemic peak when you eat, but since they are not slow-absorbed sugars, after 1 hour you feel hungry again. It also contains vitamins, minerals and fiber in modest quantities.

Obviously the problem does not arise if this type of breakfast is eaten sporadically, who doesn't love having breakfast at the bar! But if done continuously it can lead to several problems:

  • It causes a glycemic peak due to sugars, which however are absorbed immediately and by mid-morning you have the famous "hole in the stomach" due to the fact that it does not release energy slowly
  • It makes you start the day heavy but at the same time it is neither nutritious nor satiating
  • Raises bad cholesterol levels with the presence of butter and egg yolk
  • The excessive concentration of fats makes this breakfast an extremely unbalanced nutritional option, difficult to correct throughout the day

Even cappuccino should not be drunk every day: it dangerously mixes milk and coffee. In fact, the acidifying action of coffee can have a coagulating effect on milk proteins, the digestion of which becomes slow and complex with consequent lowering of energy, as well as abdominal swelling which could become chronic if repeated daily.


Yogurt bowl with original granola, protein power peanut butter and blueberries with kitchen cloth

Lately more and more people prefer to have breakfast with cereals in the morning, whether with milk or yogurt, cereals are consolidating themselves as an energetic and nutritious food to start the day in the best possible way.
Granola is a mixture of oat flakes , dried and dehydrated fruit , seeds and naturally sweetened . Its use is becoming more and more widespread in Italy too, considered an excellent solution for having a good, balanced and nutritious breakfast.

Granola is usually eaten for breakfast with milk, yogurt or in a smoothie. It's perfect for starting the day full of energy: it's nutritious but without leaving you feeling weighed down. It can also be used in many snack preparations, to create an energetic mid-day snack or before a workout.

It is often confused with muesli, but be careful they are not the same thing! Muesli is natural oat flakes, to make granola the oat flakes are cooked in the oven with oil to make it even crunchier.

Zoom original granola clemi's market
An advantage of granola is that it is suitable for everyone, adults and children, and using little sugar it is also perfect for those who have intolerances (including gluten and lactose) or are on a diet because, despite being very nutritious, it contains many fibers capable of regulate sugar intake.

It is rich in fibre, amino acids, minerals, including calcium and iodine. It is a protein food, especially when combined with Greek yogurt.


A food as simple as granola can bring numerous benefits to the body. Being an excellent mix of essential nutrients, it helps us have the right energy to get the body moving at the start of the day, without arriving with the classic pit in the stomach mid-morning.

Granola is a simple and nutritious food but it is an important source of benefits for our body:
- Provides energy : helps fight tiredness, fatigue and stress
- Increases immune defenses
- It promotes good intestinal function and helps in case of constipation , because it is rich in vitamins and fibre . In addition to the intestine, it is also good for the liver thanks to the amino acids it contains, it manages to protect it from the effects of poor nutrition, smog and negative emotions.
- Lowers blood pressure

Milk poured onto bowl with chocolate lover granola

- Protects heart health
- It is good for the mood and is an excellent help in case of anxiety : oats, nuts and seeds are able to balance the nervous system and combat anxiety, nervousness, stress or depression
- It is good for the skin and hair thanks to the presence of vitamins and mineral salts.
- Rich in antioxidants, improves memory and concentration
- It is a satiating food and regulates blood sugar levels : for this reason it is perfect to eat in the morning, it is widely used to maintain a healthy and balanced diet and also by those who want to lose weight naturally.
- It influences the correct functioning of the thyroid and treats hypothyroidism thanks to the presence of oats, rich in minerals and iodine.


Clemi's Market granolas are satiating and nutritious and rich in properties. They allow you to start the day with the right energy boost and thanks to the right intake of macro and micronutrients they make you arrive at lunch with strength and energy.
Bowl with porridge, raspberries and original granola and pack of original granola
The Original Granola is a mix of oat flakes, pecans, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds, dehydrated blueberries in apple juice and a pinch of cinnamon. This granola is rich in fiber and protein. It is perfect for all people, adults and children, and for different types of intolerances as it is vegan and low in sugar (only 4g). The only sweetener used is dehydrated blueberry

Yogurt bowl with chocolate lover granola and pack of chocolate lover granola

The Chocolate Lover Granola is the version for chocolate lovers, with dark chocolate, hazelnuts and coconut flakes. It is a source of fiber and protein and low in sugar (7g). The only sweetener is maple syrup.

Both types of granola are vegan, organic and without refined sugars , with very few ingredients. It is important to choose organic foods for higher quality and to ensure you are eating natural ingredients. Unlike those who use processed oils, both granolas are baked with only natural coconut oil .

We reiterate that this comparison does not mean that we should never eat croissants again, on the contrary a healthy lifestyle lies precisely in knowing how to balance the healthy and some "bad things", but that if eaten frequently this breakfast can lead to some problems for the body . There are many ways to make tasty and healthy breakfasts like with granola, which bring so many benefits.